Kate Pullen

Kate Pullen

Horreos: The Unique Granaries of Galicia

If you ever travel to Galicia, a region in the northwest of Spain, you will notice some peculiar structures dotting the landscape. They look like small houses on stilts, with slits on their walls and roofs made of wood or…

7 of the Best Beaches in A Mariña, Lugo Coast

Lugo’s La Mariña region boasts 60 kilometers of stunning beaches that will take your breath away. From Ribadeo to the Ria de Viveiro, this stretch of Cantabrian coast has something for everyone, from locals to tourists, with its majestic landscapes…

Galician Words for Rain

If you’ve ever been to Galicia, you know that the region is known for its rainy weather. But did you know that Galician has a rich and varied vocabulary to describe all the different types of rain? In fact, Galicians…