If you’ve ever been to Galicia, you know that the region is known for its rainy weather. But did you know that Galician has a rich and varied vocabulary to describe all the different types of rain? In fact, Galicians have developed a whole lexicon of words to talk about everything from a light drizzle to a heavy downpour. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the many different words Galicians use to describe rain, and what each of those words really means. From the gentle “sirimiri” to the torrential “chuvión”, we’ll explore the fascinating and sometimes poetic ways that Galicians talk about the weather. So whether you’re a language lover, a curious traveler, or just someone who wants to know how to describe rain in a dozen different ways, read on and discover the beautiful world of Galician rain vocabulary!

12 Ways to Describe Rain in Galician / Galego

  1. Choiva: This is the most common word for rain in Galician, and it can be used to refer to any kind of rain.
  2. Chuva: This is a variant of choiva and is used in some parts of Galicia. It is also a common word for rain in Portuguese.
  3. Sirimiri: This word is used to describe a very light, misty rain that falls in small droplets, drizzle.
  4. Chuvia: This word is used to describe a light rain, usually with small drops.
  5. Chuvión: This word is used to describe a heavy rain or a downpour.
  6. Chuvieiro: This word is used to describe a rainy spell or a period of rainy weather.
  7. Mollón: This word is used to describe a very heavy rain, often with large drops.
  8. Agua: While this word can also mean “water,” it is sometimes used in Galicia to refer to rain in general.
  9. Auga miúda: This phrase, which literally means “small water,” is used to describe a light rain or drizzle that falls in small drops.
  10. Regatos: This word is used to describe a type of rain that falls in streams or rivulets, as if a faucet has been turned on in the sky.
  11. Chuvasco: This word is used in describe a sudden and intense downpour of rain that usually lasts for a short period of time.
  12. Rechouchío: This word is used to describe a light rain that falls intermittently, often accompanied by a gusty wind.

Galicia is a region where rain is not just a common occurrence, but a way of life. Galicians have developed a rich vocabulary to describe all the different types of rain, and find ways to appreciate the beauty of the wet weather. And it’s true – the rain does add to the lush and vibrant green scenery that is one of the defining features of the region. In particular, the mild climate of the north Lugo coast helps balance out the rain, making it an ideal place for nature lovers and hikers who want to explore the stunning landscapes of Galicia. You will also find that it doesn’t rain all day every day – plus the rain is often localized, so if it is raining in one place, it is could well be sunny just a few kilometers up the coast. So if you’re planning a trip to the region, don’t let the rain discourage you – embrace it, pack your raincoat, and discover the unique and beautiful world of Galician rain!